Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Can Power Consultants Help Your Business?

Business owners are under constant stress managing operational costs, employees and their products or services. Many businesses are operating at a loss simply because of overhead : rent and utility costs have skyrocketed in the past decade and everyone is feeling the crunch.  Companies are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to cut corners without handing out more pink slips. Enter Power Consultants. Power consultants have one thing on their minds: utility management. It is their job to figure out how companies can save money every year and put that cash back into the pockets of the people who have earned it.

Energy Consulting is a growing field that has really taken off in the new millennium. With the energy deregulation leaving many people confused and paying almost twice what they once were, companies have been forced to cut corners in other departments, including employee retention.

Utility Management is extremely useful for large and midsize consumers for three main reasons: it allows businesses to actually keep track of their billing; it saves the consumer money; and it reduces a business’ impact on the environment.
Tracking Utility Bills: Part of what an Energy Consultant can do for you is to organize and track your bills. With specialized utility management software they can give Business Administration an easy way to sort utility bills while at the same time making them accessible to more than one location at once. This is extremely useful for Companies with more than one location that have trouble keeping track of expenses from other divisions, locations, etc. 

Put the Cash back in “Cash Flow”: Business owners often get into the habit of simply paying the bills every month without actually reviewing the statements. They often end up paying much more than they should simply because they don’t have the time to catch mistakes, or spot money saving opportunities. A company’s Power Consultant can audit previous statements and spot these anomalies for them, thus putting the cash back into the company. The can also negotiate contract with utility providers, getting the best rate for a company’s specific needs.

Reducing Environmental Strain: Utility Management Companies often have many innovative strategies to reduce large to mid-sized companies’ impact on the environment. With tools like submetering (tracking smaller units’ energy consumption and paying per unit), regulations and emissions monitoring, a consultant can set a company goal and make it accountable and achievable.

Energy consultants are almost a necessity for larger companies that may be losing control of their overhead and trying to figure out the best ways to save cash, the environment and their valued employees.

Lilly Gordon is a freelance writer and web publisher. She is currently researching the environment and Power Consultants in Canada.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Choose Your New Community: The New Home Dilemma

When you decided to build a new home, the next question is obvious: where will we build? In cities all over Canada, new developments are cropping up every day. So how do you choose which neighbourhood is right for you and your lifestyle? There are several factors to take into consideration: from walking paths to shopping centres, here’s how you can make your decision an easy one.

Be flexible. New developments are everywhere these days and professionals and families alike are rushing to secure lots. But before you sign on the dotted line, ask yourself what the traffic situation is like and how long your commute will actually be. If your new development has been squeezed into a suburb, the traffic situation and transit situation may already be a dire one. Consider moving a bit further away to a hamlet or smaller city that has access to a freeway. Your commute may be shorter than if you were in the city.

Does the neighbourhood have the perks you are looking for? If you love jogging, cycling and outdoor activities, purchase real estate in a neighbourhood that encourages this type of lifestyle. Ask about walking paths and nearby parks. If you have a family and there are no playgrounds nearby, inquire about whether or not one is scheduled to be put in. Driving 20 minutes to the nearest park isn’t much fun.

Are the amenities nearby the ones that will benefit you the most? If you aren’t willing to drive for half an hour to get to the nearest supermarket, don’t look in areas that aren’t self-sufficient. Make sure the schools, shopping centres, restaurants and movie theatres are close-by if that’s important to you or your family. Some families choose new houses in areas with nary a school in sight, forgetting that rush hour traffic can be a beast when you’re trying to drop the kids off at a school that’s in a different area.

Is the area “under construction”? Make sure when you look for your home that you are fully aware of any future developments, construction or planned area redevelopment. 

Choose the home that suits your life. If you are a single executive with no plans to start a family in the immediate future, you may not want to purchase a home in a family area. Family-oriented neighbourhoods can be a bit louder, especially in the summer when the windows are open. If you seek solitude, check out “professional” or “executive” neighbourhoods for the best fit.

Lilly Gordon is a freelance writer and web publisher. She is currently researching real estate in Leduc Alberta.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Help Me Get My Kids Outside: New Homes and New Communities Pave the Way

If you’re a parent, you know how hard it can be to convince your kids that playing outdoors is much more fun that the game system, television or plethora of toys you have stashed in every corner of the house. It’s tempting to give up – how bad can being lazy be anyway…? After all, they’re just kids!
Parents, wake up! Recent studies show that children in North America spend an average of 2-4 hours PER DAY watching TV and playing video games. This has led to a staggering 20% of children (estimated) between the ages of 6-20 years that are classified as obese. These kids are 70% more likely to become obese adults and on the path to diabetes, cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, cancer and many more ugly health situations.

So what can we do about this fixable situation? Newer real estate communities are being built with ponds, tons of green space, new parks, cycling paths – you name it, they’ve got it! Turn of the TVs, stop buying the junk and get those kids outside!

Here are Top 10 tools and tricks to help your kids take more of an interest in the outdoors:
  1. Look to the play center! If you have enough room in your yard for even a basic play center, build one! They are a fantastic investment; kids love to swing, slide and climb. If you can’t afford one, find out where the local parks are and make frequent visits. Local playgrounds are great for activity, fresh air and meeting new friends.
  2. Hunt for Treasure. Hidden treasure is a huge draw for younger kids. Why not plan a scavenger hunt with simple items like spotted bugs and dead twigs, or garden gnomes? Give them a list and a pencil and let them go exploring around the neighbourhood.
  3. Pick a sport. Even if you live in a colder climate, there are great outdoor sport options available in most communities. Some great outdoor sports include:BasketballBaseballHockey (ice hockey, street hockey)SkatingSkiingSoccerAll of these sports can be done in a backyard or community park too so you don’t necessarily have to join a team.
  4. Build a Castle. A sand castle that is… or an ice castle. Kids love building and they appreciate the gift of a shovel, bucket and helping hand more than you can imagine.
  5. Give them Freedom. Camps are a great way for kids to experience the outdoors with their peers. There are sleep-over, day and half-day camps available.  If you can’t afford to enroll them, a tent, some blankets and some s’mores are a fabulous option too.
  6. Seasonal Activities and accessories. Buy little items that are seasonally appropriate and let them have fun. Water guns, bubbles, butterfly nets, shovels, buckets and diggers are always surefire hits.
  7. Teach them to ride. Bikes, scooters and skateboards are still the ultimate in outdoor toys. I’ve never met a kid who didn’t like to feel the wind in his or her hair. (Just make sure to include the proper safety accessories and rules.)
  8.  Have backyard “parties”. Call some other parents and arrange once-a-week play parties during the warmer weather months. Send the kids outside in the yard, send out some beverages and snacks, and let them scream around the yard for an hour (or two).
  9. Family Time. Remember, kids learn from example so get outside with your kids. Picnics, Frisbees and jump ropes are still fun if you can harness your inner child. Plus, you get some much needed family bonding time too.
  10. Be the Boss! The best tool you have in your parenting arsenal for getting them outside? Tell them to go! It may sound pushy, but it’s not a foreign concept. Limit TV time, put away the iPhones and laptops (you too) point them in the direction of the door.
We don’t have to let our kids succumb to a completely reversible health situation. With a little encouragement and some fun and exciting suggestions, the kids will be happy, healthy and smiling with every leap, tumble and goal.

Lilly Gordon is a freelance web writer and publisher. She is currently researching active lifestyles for kids, new communities and Real Estate in Leduc, Alberta.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

5 Steps to Energy Management at Work: Start Saving Money Today!

With the energy prices soaring and the carbon emissions getting worse every day, citizens are trying to take a more proactive stance on cutting back on their environmental footprints. Businesses are following suit and in the new millennium, “going green” has become a hot topic. With new and improved energy saving devices and tactics, there is no excuse for any company not be reducing their output and putting energy management strategies to work for them.

1.       Create a Utility Management Strategy. Prepare a document or email that lists all of the ways to save power and circulate it via email. Better yet, have a staff meeting and get employee input into the strategy. Try to make it a team effort. If you set a “savings goal” for year-end, you could even put the money towards new energy efficient computers or office machinery.
2.       Switch Off at Night. This is a simple, quick and easy way to save power. It’s a no-brainer, but yet some offices continue to have signs, fluorescent lights and computers eating energy all night long. Great ways to remind employees are small and tasteful signs above light switches and an e-memo for computers, printers, etc. Be sure to clear the nightly power shut-downs with your IT department first.
3.       Make Some Changes. If you have any outdated light bulbs, change them to fluorescent bulbs, or halogen. When replacing computers, monitors, printers, choose energy saving appliances. Also, replacing overhead lighting with skylights and area lighting will certainly broaden your electricity savings as well.
4.       Hands Off the Thermostat. Install programmable thermostats for the offices and encourage employees to dress for the office temperature. Be sure to keep the temperature lower at night and a degree or two higher during the day. Decreasing your regular office temperature by even 1-2 degrees everyday will not only save quite a bit on the utility bills, but also reduce your company’s carbon emissions.
5.       Encourage Employees to Walk. Using the stairs instead of elevators, car-pooling and using public transit will not only reduce your company’s carbon footprint, it will also encourage healthy lifestyles and a way for employees to take incorporate energy management into their personal lives as well.

By following the 5 steps above, your company can reduce its carbon footprint working as a team and start to pass on some money and earth-saving energy management techniques.

Lilly Gordon is a freelance writer and web publisher. She is currently researching Power Consultants and energy saving techniques.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

5 Steps to Shaping Up for the Big Day: Say “I Do” to Your Personal Trainer

It’s not a secret that most women want to look the most fabulous they’ve EVER looked on their wedding day. Hairstylists are enlisted, make-up artists, tailors… But what about the bod? We all know exercise is the key to health; it’s also the key to a killer silhouette on your big day. And don’t forget the honeymoon – if you’re headed to a tropical destination, you’ll be eyeing the bikini you’ve always wanted to wear (and sexy, barely-there lingerie too.) So how do you get the inches to disappear and the toned arms you want to show off in your dress? Say “goodbye” to crash diets and "hello" to personal trainers. Following these 5 steps will get you the figure you’re dying to show off.
  1. Say “I Do” to a Personal Trainer. When you’re planning that wedding budget, make sure a personal trainer is on your list. You may think that working out on your own is the most effective plan, but many people lose motivation on their own. A fantastic fitness centre will not only provide you with a professional trainer that can work around your hectic schedule, it will also provide you with fitness evaluations, and nutritional consultations to make sure you know good food from bad and help you look divine on your day.
  2. Make H2O Your BFF. Not only does water keep you hydrated and refreshed, it also keeps your hair, skin, nails and insides in good working order and looking sensational. Make sure to get 6-8 8oz. glass a day (4 big drinking glasses full) and not only will you be glowing on the outside, you’ll also be able to keep up with your workouts.
  3. Ditch the Crash Dieting. Slimming down and shaping up for the nuptials should never include crash or fad diets. Chugging maple syrup or cabbage soup is not going to benefit that body in the long run. The goal is the wedding day but why not use a sustainable eating plan provided by a reputable fitness centre professional. Try eating small meals 4-5 times per day (and one snack) and make sure you’re choosing food that fuels your form, instead of comfort foods. Weight loss depends on revving up your metabolism with consistent healthy food, not slowing it down with an empty belly.
  4. Start Cheating Before the Wedding! Allow yourself a cheat day once a week. It’s no fun if you can’t have a slice of pizza or a glass of wine (or two) at the end of your long and over-planned week. Make sure you don’t overdo and monitor your portions, but make sure you allow yourself a little bit of indulgence. You are after all, the bride!
  5. Relax and Enjoy the Ride. Being super-stressed can lead to excess cortisol production in your body, which leads to heightened fat storage. In layman’s terms this means: the more stressed you are, the more fat you keep! The more calm you are, the faster your body will let go of its cozy padding. Deep breathing for even 1-2 minutes per day, or a nightly bubble bath can truly soothe the savage bride.
Your groom and your guests will be stunned when they see a glowing healthy woman floating down the aisle on the biggest day of her life. Most of all you’ll reap the benefits of dedication and healthy choices and be one happy bride.

Lilly Gordon is a freelance writer and web publisher. She is currently researching Edmonton Personal Trainers and healthy lifestyle choices.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Style Hair in 2011

If you're bored with your hair get ready to be excited! 2011 brings a soft romantic vibe to hairstyles and colour. This year we are looking to reds and whites to brighten our drab, boring locks and dramatically change our looks to christen the New Year. From cosmetology schools to runways, these are the trends you'll be eyeing.

Who Wears Short Shorts?
Celebrities, that’s who! With the recent dramatic cropping of celebrity hair that belongs to the likes of Emma Watson, Sienna Miller, Michelle Williams one of the boldest hair trends this year is to cut it off! This hairstyle isn’t for everyone but it can be extremely complementary on some people. If you have a heart or square-shaped face, dare to bare all with this trendy do!

I Just Threw It On
Touseled, not messy; knots, not buns. Effortless hairstyles that only do take minutes to complete but look amazing will take you miles this season. They say you don’t really care about impressing anyone, and are too busy to care about your hair, even though you still look fabulous. Top knots, double knots, knots at the nape of your neck are an easy style that will take you from day to night with a simple twist of the wrist.

Bang On
It’s all about bangs, bangs and more bangs. 2011 brings soft, fringed, eye-framing bangs into focus. Even curly haired-beauties are pairing their corkscrew curls and soft, bouncy waves with bangs. Paired with just about any hairstyle, fringed bangs are a hit.

Bobbing for Style
The bob is back, but it has taken on a new, more feminine form. Short, severe bobs are gone and longer, wavy bobs have replaced them. Celebrities like Scarlett Johannson have embraced this trend for 2011 and have never looked better. What’s more, the long bob suits every face shape; just layer correctly according to your angles, and you’re good to go.

Colour Me Happy
Move over Christina Hendricks, you’re about to have some competition. Redheads rejoice, those carrot or ruby coloured locks are in vogue this season. For those of us not born with the colour, the beauty salon awaits. The more natural looking the better – if you’re not willing to go totally ginger, incorporate some silky strawberry threads throughout your mane. Blondes, don’t despair, your colour is still in high demand, just in a different hue… Ethereal white blonde is the newest trend along with lightened brows.

DO Be So Dramatic
2011 is the year for bold, dramatic changes; this is your ticket to start the year anew with a fresh new look. If you’ve always wanted to do a 180 on your locks, this is the year to do it. Shocke your friends family and co-workers by chopping it all off and sporting a mod pixie cut, or go all Gwen Stefani and rise to platinum bombshell status.

Make the leap in 2011: take a hint from these inspired hair styles and go forth with a beautiful new you!

Lilly Gordon is a freelance writer and web publisher. She enjoys writing about beauty, hair styles and cosmetology schools.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Are You Ready For a Franchise Business Opportunity?

If you’re ready for a career change, you may want to consider owning a franchise. Business opportunity is rare in these economically unpredictable times and franchises are one way of an almost guaranteed success. Not only do franchises have a mega-high success rate, they also offer a myriad of benefits that don’t come with a normal start-up business. Also, the different types of franchises available are very diverse; there are so many options that anyone could find a perfect fit.

Become a Small Business Consultant or A Tutoring Franchise Operator-It’s Up to You! There are literally hundreds of different industries from which to choose your franchise business opportunity. There are trends that the marketplace sees every few years due to supply and demand but whole industries rarely fade away into oblivion. Some of the most popular choices for 2011-2012 are:

Business Consulting: This is a perfect opportunity for professional considering a career change after 50. Managers, seasoned sales and marketing professionals and entrepreneurs can put their expertise to good work being a business coach and mentor for Small businesses.

Fitness and Nutrition: With a new and intensified spotlight on the obesity epidemic in North America, more and more people are turning to Personal health and Fitness instruction and training. There are tremendous opportunities to become part of the fitness revolution and an already existing fitness or nutrition chain.

Tutoring and Educational Assistance: Because of the increased stress on children to learn faster, harder and more broadly than ever before, this is a blooming industry that provides a n educational supplement of sorts to help kids excel at their studies.

Convenience Stores and Fast Food: Although not the most popular in the eyes of health conscious North Americans, there’s no denying the popularity and high success rates of mega-giant convenience stores like 7-11 and fast food giants like McDonalds.

These are just a few examples of the most popular franchise business opportunities; a different opportunity for every lifestyle, price range and dream career.

There Are Definite Advantages. Aside from the biggest draw of an astoundingly high success rate for a start-up business, there are three huge advantages of entering into a partnership of sorts with already established companies:

1. Recognition and Reputation: buying into an already established and most likely popular company gives new owners a great stepping stone to success with little to no effort required. The public will already know about the company, the product or service and the quality of said product or service; this provides an opportunity for an established customer base. Trademarks and logos are supplied – no need to hire designers and marketing professionals. Also, you may find that financing falls into place easily with a well known brand name behind you.

2. Lower Overhead: Supplies and product will most like be handed out at lower costs from the head company or distribution hub to the franchisees. Also, marketing and advertising plans are generally for the whole of a company, leaving franchisees to simply take advantage of opportunities, rather than spending time, effort and cash on their own.

3. Training: More often than not in franchise situations, new owners are provided with startup equipment and extensive training. As you will be representing a branch of a larger company, franchisors are extremely concerned with having their franchisees trained and providing ongoing education and mentoring opportunities.

Franchises are not for everyone; they are notoriously controlled by the “head office” offering less creative freedom and usually expensive to buy into. But for an individual wanting the freedom of owning and operating a “sure thing” they may be the best bet.

Lilly Gordon is a freelance writer and publisher. She writes on a variety of topics including business opportunities, the economy, and how to become a small business consultant.